
The 5 Things



For your life to function properly you need to put God in charge.

Have you ever prayed something like this?

“Lord Jesus, I will go where You want me to go, do what You want me to do, say what You want me to say, and give what You want me to give.”

Could you say those words now and mean them?

Maybe you need to think about this more deeply. Maybe you need to know more about how a life of following Jesus is meant to work.


1. My Kingdom Vision

Kingdom vision is seeing how you best fit into God’s big plan. This influences your choices now and in the years to come.

The question that needs to be answered is who in your sphere can you reach for Christ in order to build the kingdom?

Get Started:

  • Seek Others: Being around people with a vision and passion will help you understand and cultivate your own.

  • Make a Start: Developing your kingdom vision will take time. But you can ask God what He wants to do right here and right now.

  • Do you want to take a step toward living out your kingdom vision?

2. My Team

Your team is a small group of people committed to helping you go after your kingdom vision — trustworthy friends you can connect with locally or virtually.

Questions to Ask:

  • Who are the people in your life who understand your Kingdom vision?

  • Who can help you pursue it by challenging you and asking you the right questions?

  • Who will commit to praying for you?

  • If you don’t know who they are, pray and ask God how you will find your team.

Followers of Jesus find ways to connect with people who share their kingdom vision and encourage them to take steps of faith. They do life together and learn from each other over time. They don't just attend events or programs.

3. My Plan

Your plan doesn’t need to be complicated or foolproof, but you've got to know what you're doing and how you think you will do it.

Without a plan, you’ll drift away from the vision you believe God gave you. Questions to ask:

  • What are you asking God for specifically?

  • What are you going to do now, next and after that?

  • What support do you and your team need to stay on track with your kingdom vision?

When you have answered these 3 questions, you’ve begun your plan.

4. My Training and Tools

Everything important that you will do in life — whether it’s being a spouse, a parent, a teacher or a vocational missionary — requires ongoing equipping.

You need to ask yourself, “How will I gain more skills in the areas where I want to serve God?”

Things to try:

  • Attending a conference

  • Reading a book

  • Taking a class

  • Working through some online content.

5. My Coach

A coach is someone you consider a little bit farther down the line in their journey with God than you.

God wants you to have someone you can learn from.

  • This person supports you individually and might help your team.

  • Who in your life has a walk with Christ that you want to model your life after?

  • Who has developed a personal ministry in the same context you are in?

3 things a coach does for you:

  1. Meets you regularly, either in person or via an online platform like Skype or Facetime.

  2. Challenges and trains you to walk with Christ as you pursue your Kingdom vision.

  3. Prays for you regularly.

Maybe you’ll find this person in your local church, or through a ministry like Cru.

Moving Forward

God desires each of us to walk closer with him. The question you have to ask is are you willing to take a step? At Cru we would love to help you take a step in reaching others by giving you the wings to reach high school students in your area. The first step to that is to take the Predictive Index so we can help you find your best fit for making a difference.


Take the gifts assessment 

Cru would love to join you as you discover how you can walk with Jesus and make a positive impact in your city. Cru High School would love to help you discover how God has uniquely designed you to make a difference. That's why we've partnered with Predictive Index to give you a free assessment to help you learn about how you can best serve in God's Kingdom.

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