For Parents

FAQ's for Parents

What is Cru?
Cru is a caring community, passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. For over 60 years, we have been a ministry on college campuses around the world helping students come to know Jesus, grow in their faith, and then go to the world around them sharing God’s love with others.

Learn more about Cru on the college campus.

Will my child fit in with Cru if they grew up in the Christian faith but aren’t following Jesus right now?
Cru is a safe place for students to explore their faith no matter what spiritual background they are from. Often Cru at a college is made up of students who are committed to following Jesus, students who are exploring what it means to follow Jesus, and students who have no background with Jesus or Christianity. All students are welcome.

How can my child find a church at their new college? Does Cru help with that?
We believe it is vital for college students to be connected to a local church. For purely practical reasons, we suggest finding an on-campus ministry first and view it as a base. Through that base ministry, your child can get church suggestions from older students and ministry leaders who are already plugged in to different local churches. Often older students can help coordinate rides and accompany new students to church when they first visit. At the beginning of the school year, many Cru groups will also announce church options at their meetings and on social media to help new students get quickly established at a church.

Can someone with Cru at my child’s college contact them for me if I provide their information?

We understand that you may want someone to “look up” your child on your behalf, especially if they aren’t taking charge of their own spiritual life. In over 60 years of ministering to college students, we have found that a personal invitation from a Cru representative is only helpful when students want to find Christian community at college.  

If your child is personally motivated to find Christian community, we suggest they contact Cru at their college campus.

If your child is not personally motivated to find Christian community, but you’d still like information about Cru at their new college, please let us know here.

How can I learn about the spiritual environment of my child’s future college campus?
Every college website lists all its Christian ministries available to students, but it can be a little tricky to find that information. Here’s a quick guide to finding all the possible Christian communities at your child’s new campus.

Use this process to locate as many campus ministries as you can, and then reach out to the designated contact people or check ministry websites and social media to learn more about what those groups can offer your child.

What are the names of college ministries you’d recommend?
There are many great ministries where your child may find their next Christian community. This is not an exhaustive list, but here are some highly recommended ministries to look for:

Cru Ministries:

  • Athletes In Action
  • Bridges International (Cru: International Students)  
  • Design (Cru: South Asian American Students)
  • Destino (Cru: Latino/a Students)
  • Epic (Cru: Asian American Students)
  • Impact (Cru: Students of African Descent)
  • Nations (Cru: Native Students)

Information about these recommended campus ministries can be found here.

  • Asian American Christian Fellowship
  • Baptist Collegiate Ministries
  • Campus Ambassadors
  • Campus Outreach
  • Chi Alpha
  • Christian Union
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (Also known as IV or IVCF)
  • Korean Christian Fellowship
  • Navigators
  • Reformed University Fellowship

What if I have other questions?
We’re here to help. You can reach out to us and we’ll be in touch soon.

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