God passionately loves “the least of these” and calls us, as fully devoted followers of Christ, to do the same. There are over 2000 references in Scripture where God calls his people to divide their bread with the hungry, cover the naked, preach good news to the poor, help the helpless, be a father to the fatherless, bring relief to widows, bring justice to the oppressed – to be people who “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.”
I didn’t have as much time as I needed with my dad in my early years, but then one day God set things in motion, unexpectedly.
How do you respond wisely to what others are saying in the digital town square, especially when it touches a nerve?
Learn how God relates to us when we suffer through the Bible story of Job. We've compiled list of articles on different life struggles such as addiction, depression, spritual dryness, marital strife and more. If you are suffering from something specific today, browse this list of resources that can help you in your journey.
The book of Job illustrates how we can relate to God when we suffer.
An African American man explains how he experiences the death of Mike Brown and other black men, and what we can all to do move toward healing.
What the Boston Marathon bombing taught me about God.
Thanksgiving is no quick, easy fix, or recipe for skipping past our emotions. In fact, it’s the opposite. When your fists are balled, hold onto God who can take on any anxiety.
Jim Tucker chooses forgiveness after being shot by the gunman that also injured congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
What do you do when people are looking to you to respond to a tragedy? Here are 3 specific things the Cru ministry in Venezuela learned when they experienced loss.
How to respond to another blow to the body of Christ.
After the tsunami in December 2004, Cru staff members and students join with others to aid those in despair.
One of the greatest challenges soldiers and their spouses are facing is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Learn how your church can care for military families in crisis.
Suffering is an undeniable reality, but why does God allow suffering? How do we know God cares for us, and that our suffering will ultimately be for our good?
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