What would you do with $500 million bucks? How do you want to be remembered after you die? What we value says a lot about who we are. Take our short quiz to find out what you value most in life.
A 31-day content schedule exploring what it means to be faithful to God in our work and in our rest.
We can glorify God with the ambition He’s given us.
There are three women’s names who traveled for Brazil, prepared to compete yet were never mentioned by commentators. These women didn’t get to compete for gold, but they learned how to struggle well.
Find what ministry God might be calling you toward
Laurie Hernandez is a 16-year-old hoping to make the US Olympic women's gymnastics team. She has disciplined her mind, body and life toward Rio. But she has an even more important goal she wants to reach first - and it may surprise you!
How AIA leadership and ministry has helped ground ACC Player of the Year, Justin Jackson, in his faith.
Extroverts are known as “people gatherers.” Their upbeat personalities help everyone stay connected. But what are some ways they can grow and face their challenges?
What is true and false about our concept of ambition?
How can we tell when ambition is good or when it’s dangerous?
Are resolutions a waste of time? Many people assume resolutions are doomed to fail. Is there a way for them to succeed?
Are you searching for your life’s purpose? How we each live out our purpose may look different, but our purpose was defined long, long ago.
How do you live the life God made you for? Once you place your life in His hands, you’re going to ask God to help you find five things.
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