A set-aside day, uniting everyone in Campus Crusade for Christ, International / Cru, to:
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Devotional guide centered on the WWDP theme passage of Isaiah 43:14-21
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Different from recent years, we will not broadcast a “common” portion of the day for U.S. staff. Instead, the prayer team has compiled recommended resources to help guide your day of prayer. Those leading local or team gatherings can modify the following prayer sections in content or length.
Visit the linked slide decks for full details and additional videos:
If you are arranging for live music, please enjoy that! This song list complements the theme for the day of prayer. The song versions came from the most-viewed versions of the songs on YouTube. Feel free to substitute if you desire. You can use this playlist at Spotify as well. Recommended time: 20-30 minutes.
Prayer for Local Teams — This prayer block will vary depending on your team. The desire is for you to pray for the concerns of your immediate team. Recommended time: 30-45 minutes.
Heart Preparation — This section is designed for personal and small group reflection and prayer to prepare our hearts. Slides include resources for praise, confession, and thanksgiving. If you have other resources to substitute in these sections, please feel free to do so. Recommended time: 30-45 minutes.
Prayer for One Another — Read the passages on the slides to remind ourselves of how God calls His children to relate to one another. Remember how these passages provide a part of our theological foundation for living in oneness and diversity. Share personal prayer requests from your life and ministry in a small group. Take time to lift one another up before the throne of grace. Recommended time: (10 minutes/person in the group).
Prayer for our Neighbors — Consider those who live around you and/or those with whom you interact in the course of life (at the gym or parent’s group at your child’s school, for example). Take time to pray for those neighbors by name. Text those neighbors as you are able to let them know that you are praying for them. Lord willing, God will use this to stir a significant conversation with your neighbors. Register for www.BlessEveryHome.com (slides following) to pray, by name for your neighbors. Recommended time: 30 minutes.
Prayer for Student Led Movements — The Global Executive Team affirmed the Importance of SLM in our global strategy and calling. Review the slides to orient your prayers around some of the current realities of the campus ministry in the United States. Recommended time: 30 minutes.
Praying for Campus Crusade for Christ Leadership — Scripture-based prayer prompts and requests for the Global Executive Team and ministry leaders.
Pray for our world — Campus Crusade for Christ International has 16,000 staff and a ministry presence in 191 countries. We will be focusing on two nations (India, Phillippinnes) to pray for today and will continue connection with them in the months and years to come. Recommended time: 60 minutes
Praying for Animated Story of Jesus — In the first seven minutes of this video, Joshua Newell shares ASJ updates and prayer requests along with a scene from the upcoming film. The last 13 minutes contains slides with additional detailed prayer requests.
Many choose to incorporate the spiritual discipline of fasting in the Worldwide Day of Prayer. Visit cru.org for helpful information and resources about how to do a biblical fast.
Additional resources and prayer blocks will be published in the weeks leading up to the WWDP.
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