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Leaning on the work of researchers, therapists, theologians and scientists, Josh McDowell Ministry has discovered alarming stats: that Gen Z (those born between 1999 and 2015) are dealing with devastating levels of depression and anxiety, body image issues, pornography addiction and suicide. In response, Josh McDowell Ministry is launching a dynamic program aimed at youth called Resolution, a global movement to help youth overcome hurts and struggles, and ultimately thrive in life. Through a combination of neuroscience and time-tested, research-supported principles, they have developed The Wholeness Apologetic—a Biblical understanding of how we heal from brokenness, overcome struggles and return to a life of wholeness.
Renowned Christian apologist Josh McDowell said, “Based on extensive research, there's never been a generation that has had more potential through technology and education to impact their world, however, no generation in American history has experienced the level of addiction, mental health issues and brokenness as that of Gen Z.”
Medical and mental health professionals confirm that much of the dysfunction and disconnectedness youth experience in life stems from unaddressed or unresolved relational and emotional hurts. Those hurts leave unfulfilled God-given longings that young people often seek to fulfill through unhealthy behaviors, which lead to fixed neurological pathways of responses.
In the face of these challenges, there is great hope. Resolution provides a guide for the journey of overcoming hurts, struggles and hindrances, allowing an individual to pursue a whole life—a life of spiritual, emotional, and relational wholeness—the kind of life every person was born to live.
“For years of my life, I struggled silently with anger, mental health issues and a porn addiction. I wish as a young person I had access to holistic biblical solutions and knew how much Jesus cared. It is my mission and my prayer that youth today experience something different,” said Resolution director Ben Bennett, who has personally experienced freedom and healing and has seen God cause life change in tens of thousands of others through these principles.
Resolution provides the following resources for teens, parents and youth leaders:
Josh McDowell is the founder and president of Josh McDowell Ministry (A Cru Ministry). He has written or co-authored 152 books in 128 languages, including the multi-million selling More Than a Carpenter and Evidence That Demands a Verdict (named one the twentieth century’s top 40 books by World Magazine). He has addressed more than 46 million people, giving over 37,000 talks in 140 countries. Audiences around the world have heard him relate his own story of overcoming the deep wounds he suffered in his childhood and youth by the immeasurable kindness of God and many of the principles shared in the Resolution movement. Josh and his wife Dottie have four children and 10 grandchildren.
Ben Bennett is an author, speaker and the director of Resolution. He has faced addiction, trauma and other mental health struggles in his journey toward a wholehearted life. Through many missteps and restarts, Ben discovered proven tools and principles that have helped him overcome the hurts and struggles that hindered his journey toward wholeness. For the past nine years, he has partnered with world-renowned counselors and ministry leaders, helping individuals of all ages understand and work through the underlying factors driving the unhealthy patterns in their lives. Ben offers a unique and fresh perspective on how to find freedom, healing, and a life of thriving through Christ and others. He has been a staff member of Josh McDowell Ministry since 2017.
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