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Showing God in action in and through His people.

From the Field

From Coffee to Christ: The Spiritual Journey of a Middle Eastern Seeker

A young Cru® intern strikes up a friendship with a college student facing a difficult choice.

July 2019


Coops and Cleats: How One Chicken Farmer Blends Faith and Soccer

An Ethiopian chaplain strategically connects soccer teams with churches to help young people hear about Jesus.

May 2019

Special Report

Fighting to Stay Afloat in Puerto Rico

One year after Hurricane Maria, three Christians describe the storm that changed them, the challenges they face in faith and how you can help bring restoration.

September 2018


Sharing Your Faith Could Include Belly Dancing

Ministering to wealthy influencers in Europe, Cru® staff member Sara Randall offers her three best tips on how you can start sharing your faith in your own context.

September 2018

From the Field

A Family Like No Other

Around the U.S., many Latino college students experience deep connection to family as they meet God personally and grow spiritually through the Destino Movement®. Hear from five students and staff members as they tell their stories.

May 2018


Two Cultures, One Home

A Korean family flew halfway around the world to Mexico City to work with university students. They didn’t expect to be alone, but what they discovered in the journey changed them.

May 2018


What Happens When a Brazilian Skeptic Finds Jesus

“I thought Christianity was foolishness,” says Kariny Rocha, a university student in Teresina, Brazil. Watch what happened when Jesus changed her mind.

March 2018


“What Are You Doing Here?”

A two-week Jesus Film® mission trip boosts church planting in Sierra Leone, Africa—a region still rebounding from Ebola.

March 2018

From the Field

An Evangelism Shift: How Can We Reach Millennials?

Cru® staff member Josh Chen is a millennial committed to understanding his own generation. We sat down with him to explore how to better engage a unique and seemingly misunderstood generation with the gospel.

January 2018

From the Field

What Happens to Faith When Crisis Strikes?

In the middle of a war zone, a Ukrainian military chaplain offers soldiers the hope that he once discovered on a Soviet battlefield.

January 2018

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