Reflecting Jesus in These Hard Times


Michael and Helene Ferchak hadn’t had any visitors for three weeks.

Because of a rare neurological disorder that severely weakens Michael’s immune system, he is homebound. His wife, Helene, is his full-time caregiver. They normally have weekly visits from friends. Though friends have dropped off groceries and meals now that Helene cannot go out either, the COVID-19 pandemic halted the in-home visits.

But one morning, Helene received a text that warmed her heart.

“We’d like to come for a window visit,” read the text from her sister-in-law, Patricia Ferchak.

Wow, Helene thought. They’re going through the trouble of a 45-minute drive. Just to see us for five minutes.

“We’d love that,” Helene responded.

Later, that afternoon, Michael looked up from his motorized recliner. There, on the other side of the window, his brother Damian and Patricia waved a hello.

Knowing of Michael’s trouble hearing, they carried signs with them and an Easter lily, one of Helene’s favorite flowers.

“Hello, Mike and Helene,” read the first sign.

As they continued to read through the signs of encouragement, tears welled up in both Helene’s and Patricia’s eyes.

And after a few more moments, Patricia and Damian said their goodbyes. They headed to their car, leaving the Easter lily and the signs on the doorstep so Michael could read them again later.

“Love you. Stay safe,” read the bottom of one of the signs.

These notes, which they’ve continued to reread, are reminders to Michael and Helene that those around them know, love and care for them.

Seeing the signs and her in-laws reminded Helene of Jesus, who cares about every aspect of our lives and entered into our hurting world.

“It was love in action,” Helene says about the visit.

They reflected Jesus to Michael and Helene.

Like Patricia and Damian, how can you reflect Jesus to those around you?

Take the initiative to safely reflect the love of Christ to your family, friends and community. You could write a note of encouragement, call a friend to ask how they’re doing or order a meal for a family member. Here are some other simple steps you could try.

Share #ReflectJesusWithMe

Share what you are doing on social media using #ReflectJesusWithMe to shine light in these dark times and pay hope and kindness forward with the #ReflectJesusWithMe movement.


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Connect With a Mentor

As Jesus’ disciples, God calls us to multiply our faith. How about connecting with a mentor who can help equip you to lead others to Christ and start spiritual movements?

Rachel Geckle
Words by

Rachel Geckle

Rachel, a Pittsburgh native, serves as director of content strategy and as a story editor for digital and print communications for Cru®. A 2012 graduate of Ohio University, she received a journalism degree, which so far has taken her around the U.S., to Morocco, Russia, Spain and Moldova.

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The Most Important Week of the Year

Daniel Mitchell, University of Nebraska–Lincoln student and part-time Cru® staff member, aims to guide a wave of incoming students toward transformation through Christ and community, something he’s experienced as well.

July 2020

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