Reflect-Jesus-Lockup 2

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to feel like nothing will be good again. It’s easy to let fear and uncertainty drive you.

But what if you looked for ways, big or small, to reflect Jesus to your community. Whether or not you are able to leave your home, there are ways to bless others and show them Jesus.

In this time when everyone needs to see that their family, friends, neighbors and community are there and love them with the love of Jesus, use#ReflectJesusWithMe on social media to inspire your followers to take the leap to bless others.

Join the #ReflectJesusWithMe

Use the #ReflectJesusWithMe hashtag to share with the world how you are safely reflecting the love of Christ to your family, friends and community. Your social feeds may be filled with stories of people’s pain and hardship, but you have an opportunity to change that and bring the hope of Jesus to others.

We need your help to get 40,000 mentions, which is what we need to make #ReflectJesusWithMe a trending topic. Join us to shine light in these dark times and pay hope and kindness forward with the #ReflectJesusWithMe movement.

Looking for ideas about what you can do? See what others have already done to reflect Jesus!

Top Posts this Week

Learn to Rest in Jesus Alone

On April 9 at the Be Still event, pastor and author Crawford Loritts shared a message inviting followers of Jesus to experience and live out Psalm 46 even in the midst of the global pandemic.

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"Be still, and know that I am God!
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.”

Psalm 46:10, NLT

It can be easy to give into the chaos and worry that often consumes people during times of crisis like this one. But what if God desires to make good come even out of tragedies to remind you who He is and what really matters in life?

We cannot reflect Jesus unless we are being still. Here are five practical ways to do just that.

Do not be anxious. You have a Father who cares about you and loves you. If He provides for the needs of the flowers and the birds (Matthew 6:28), won’t He take care of you?  

God loves you. He doesn’t make promises He can’t keep. You can trust and rest in Him. This doesn’t mean you should pretend everything is OK and deny hard feelings. 

We have some resources for you if you are struggling with: 

Make time to be with Him. Rather than filling your time with news constantly, fill your heart and mind with the Word of God. 

Here are some resources that suggest helpful ways to sit in God’s presence right now:

Reflect on your relationship with Him. Ask: “Does God have all of me? Who and what am I really trusting?” Pray: “Help me remove idols — things in my life that I put above You, that I am holding on to.”

It’s easy to get distracted and worship the things God blesses you with rather than worshiping the One who created all things. For more on searching your heart (Psalm 139:23-24), check out:

Now’s the time to love, care for and serve others. People are hurting, and you can help them experience Jesus with words and actions. Even if you can’t leave your home, one thing everyone needs right now is a safe person with whom they can share what they are experiencing. This is what #ReflectJesusWithMe is all about. To learn more, see: 

People are facing monumental loss during this pandemic. People are looking for hope and asking questions about life, death and purpose.

Jesus is the hope and the answer everyone is looking for. Will you share Him with others?

Here are some helpful resources for sharing the hope of Christ with others:


Align Your Heart

“At times I might shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or command grasshoppers to devour your crops, or send plagues among you. Then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”

(2 Chronicles 7:13-14, NLT)

As you take these steps to be still, share what the Lord leads you to do for others on social media using the hashtag #reflectJesuswithme

*Please follow all local, state and national government standards for the safety of all individuals.