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Welcome to the wild, undiscovered country of bringing the gospel to the gaming community. If we are to go where the people are, we need to learn how to engage this vast, growing, and complex people group. We see ourselves as world-hopping explorers, and we built a Discord Server, called the “Imaginarium Inn” as a way-station to find refreshment, collect equipment, and gather a party of comrades before heading out into the wild.

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Gaming Ministry Training

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Click Here to watch the entire series of videos about Being a Video Game Missionary on YouTube.

To download the PDF of the Discipleship Character Sheet, click here.

For Non-Geeks

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Professional Geek couple share how you can come alongside with a passion for something you don’t understand.

Professor of Psychology explains what makes gamers feel ostracized and how to overcome it. 

Healthy Gaming

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Professor Brandon Vieira – on the Psychology of play and gaming.

Gaming without losing your life. How to keep a good balance.


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Click on the images below to read and download helpful articles about doing ministry through gaming. 

Partnering Ministries

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Click the logos below to learn more about these gaming ministries.