Best Practices for Relating to Minors

As a volunteer with the high school ministry of Cru, you can make a tremendous impact on the lives of teenagers within a movement.

You can literally steer students to where they will spend eternity, so these relationships cannot be treated lightly. And at the same time, teenagers typically gravitate toward adults or authority figures who are fun, engaging, and authentic. Students won’t relate to a robot. 

The relationships that you build with students carry significance. They can also have lasting consequences if not handled with care and intentionality. In light of this, here are six guiding principles to keep in mind as you develop relationships with middle and high school students.

Remember That You Are in a Position of Authority.

Your relationship is not a peer-to-peer interaction. Due to differences in age, experience, maturity, and your role, you automatically enter into a relationship with a student from a position of authority and leadership. This dynamic can look like that of an older brother or sister, but it is often much more like a teacher-student or coach-student friendship.

As a leader, it is very important for you to be a positive example of maturity. You want to be authentic and relatable, but not if it means lowering your behavior to match that of the students. Teenagers are very idealistic, and can quickly become disillusioned if you come across as inconsistent or immature.  It is important that we take this responsibility seriously.

Find Ways That Students Can Give to You.

With all the input you are making in the lives of students, it can be easy for these relationships to become somewhat unbalanced. You are helping and guiding them in many ways, but they also feel a need to contribute in some way to your life. 

Figure out what they can do to help and teach you. Be creative. They can teach you a new sport or game, show you a new TikTok dance, help you with a hobby, master new technologies, or offer you advice. In every case, your leadership and bond is enhanced when there is balance. It helps to have give-and-take in the relationship.

Set and Respect Appropriate Boundaries.

You cannot expect high school students to meet all your friendship needs. You also cannot rely on your relationship with them (or ministry to them) to build your self-worth. It sounds silly, but it happens. 

Students can easily become dependent on you if you are the only voice they are hearing, so you want them to hear from a variety of godly men and women. You do not ever want to be seen as controlling or smothering their spiritual or personal growth. We want to see students become independently dependent on Christ.

It’s easy for students to grow fond of you and become emotionally attached, and crushes can sometimes develop. As such, be mindful of the ways and situations in which you interact with students. Cru’s standard practice is for guys to disciple guys and ladies to disciple girls. In addition, any serious counseling should be turned over to a Cru staff member of the same gender.

Refer to Cru’s safety procedures for more on this. Be wise and above reproach in all your relationships with students. This is both for the protection of students as well as the protection of you against any false accusations of impropriety.

Suggestion: Watch the Cru Volunteer Safety video (required for all Cru volunteers and staff).

As a leader, you always want your relationships with students to be appropriate, both in practice and appearance.

Be Authentic and Transparent.

When building relationships with students, authenticity and transparency are not just helpful, they are essential! These practices create opportunities for students to be open and vulnerable because they have seen this modeled. However, as a leader, you want to be careful. 

Imagine your role model or mentor you admire shared too much about their struggles and brokenness with you. How would that make you feel?

When we are overly vulnerable with young people, they do not know how to handle it. It can easily make the conversation uncomfortable and bring awkwardness to the relationship. Students’ idealism and lack of experience make it hard for them to understand the more intimate, difficult aspects of adult life. 

You have the freedom to be honest and real, but we should share what is most helpful for the student and their growth.

Be Aware of How Things Might Appear.

As a leader, you always want your relationships with students to be appropriate, both in practice and in appearance.

You do not want people to be suspicious of your relationship with a student. Keeping kids out too late, having late-night text conversations, exaggerated physical affection, or even being alone with a student in private can be behaviors that can be concerning. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 says to avoid all appearance of evil. 

Ask yourself: “Could this decision/action cause parents, an administrator, or other students to distrust me in any way?”

Get To Know Students’ Families.

If you had an involved parent when you were a teenager, did you have any significant relationship with an adult whom your parents had never met? Probably not. You were likely asked, “Where are you going?” and “Who else is going?” whenever you left your home. 

Parents and guardians want to know their students’ friends, teachers, and coaches, but Cru leaders can unintentionally fly under the radar. Knowing a student’s family can enhance your ministry and relationship with the student by building trust and mutual support.

Beyond giving you an opportunity to minister to other family members, relationships with families can also expand your connections within and beyond the campus community. Parents and guardians can connect you with people who can offer financial and volunteer support to the movement. 

With these principles in mind, you can create meaningful connections with teenagers that will yield spiritual fruit in the years to come!

Now that you know how to relate to students, read about how you can begin to gather students on your campus!

Next Step

Now that you know these wise guidelines for relating to students, look a little further at how you can meet and relate to students.

meet and relate to students
This article is part of the Conversation Collection. Read the rest of these articles to get an even better understanding of how to have great conversations with students.


Daniel’s Story

Daniel’s life was a map—Texas to Florida, then back to Texas again. The moves were just moves, until the last one. That’s when things got rocky. That’s when Daniel found himself caught up in a scene he never planned for. Parties. Bad decisions. Nights that blurred into mornings.

One night, driving home from another party, Daniel’s thoughts wandered to a Bible verse – Matthew 16:24-25: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

The words hit him like a weight. Take up your cross. He couldn’t shake it. What was he doing? Where was he going? Right there, on the side of the road, Daniel pulled out his phone and texted his friends, Matthew and Carson: “Hey guys, we need to stop. What are we doing?”

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."

The next day, they quit. No more parties. No more empty nights.

But Daniel didn’t stop there. He started talking to others—first his friends, then younger guys heading down the same road he’d just left behind. He wanted to help them before they went too far. And the incredible part? They listened. One conversation turned into another, and then another.

Soon, Daniel found himself leading a group of those same guys—meeting at youth groups, starting Bible studies, sharing verses and stories instead of excuses.

Cru gave him the tools. They showed him how to lead, how to share his testimony, how to handle the logistics so he could focus on the people in front of him. It wasn’t always easy. Not every conversation went smoothly, and not everyone listened. But Daniel stayed at it, because seeing one life change made every hard moment worth it.

It’s not always easy, but seeing lives change makes every challenge worth it.

Last year, there were three of them. Now, there are 17.

Daniel still thinks about that verse from Matthew. Take up your cross. It reminds him that purpose isn’t about perfection. It’s about showing up, reaching out, and choosing something better—day after day.

And so Daniel keeps going. Because once you realize what matters, you don’t go back.

You just keep walking forward.

Next Step
Pray and ask God to show you 2-3 areas in your life where you must begin to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Him.
Matthew’s Story

Matthew grew up in a small town in South Texas, carrying a lot of frustration about himself. By the time he reached high school, he was really struggling with his self-image, which led to a lot of anger—anger at himself and those around him. He tried to fill the emptiness he felt with family and friends, but nothing seemed to work for long. Eventually, he turned to alcohol and drugs. By the time he was 14, he was drinking heavily, and for the next couple of years, his life felt like one endless cycle of bad habits and broken relationships.

Then, something changed. Matthew had a friend named Daniel who stepped in and encouraged him to take a different path. Daniel told him, ‘Hey man, we need to be better for ourselves, for the people around us, and most importantly, for God.’ Those words struck Matthew deeply. He decided to quit drinking and began working to turn his life around. It wasn’t easy. Not long after, Matthew suffered a knee injury that took away his outlet in sports, and he found himself struggling again. But God had other plans. Matthew ended up attending a Cru getaway—a Christian retreat—that gave him a fresh perspective and renewed sense of purpose. Through that experience, Matthew found clarity, direction, and most importantly, a community of believers who supported him every step of the way.

We need to be better for ourselves, for the people around us, and most importantly, for God.

Now, Matthew is thriving. He’s surrounded by friends who push each other to grow in their faith, and he’s committed to helping others find what he’s found in Christ. When he looks back, Matthew says he barely recognizes the person he used to be. His story shows just how powerful God’s grace can be and how much of a difference a caring friend and the right opportunities can make. If you’re feeling lost, remember Matthew’s story: God can use even the toughest times to draw you closer, ignite your spirit, and lead you into a purpose greater than you ever imagined.

Next Step

Using this testimony worksheet, write out your own story and ask God how you can encourage friends to grow in their faith.

Jaclyn’s Story

Jaclyn struggled with intense anxiety from an early age. As she moved into middle school and high school, she put enormous pressure on herself to succeed in everything she did, feeling like she needed to be the best or she would disappoint herself and those around her. There were many nights when the anxiety was overwhelming—she couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and felt constantly knotted up inside. Despite knowing about God and attending church occasionally, she felt like a crucial piece was missing from her faith journey. Though she grew up in a Christian household, attending church wasn’t a consistent part of her family’s routine due to busy weekends filled with sports and activities. Without a regular church community, Jaclyn found herself lacking the kind of support system she needed, though she always had the love of her family around her.

In her sophomore year, Jaclyn came across Cru during a lunch period at school. Drawn by the warmth and genuine kindness of the people she met at their table, she decided to get involved. She joined a girls’ Bible study led by a volunteer named Hunter, meeting every week to learn and share. For Jaclyn, this Bible study quickly became the highlight of her week. It offered her a sense of community she had always been looking for, and she grew close to Hunter and the other girls. In March 2022, Hunter asked the group a question that stuck with Jaclyn: “If you were to die today, are you sure you would go to heaven?” This question made Jaclyn realize that she hadn’t fully surrendered her life to God. A few days later, a conversation with her dad, who shared his own testimony of coming to faith, seemed like the final nudge. It was as though God was speaking directly to her through repeated messages, urging her to make her faith her own. She decided to fully surrender, and immediately found a new sense of peace and joy, replacing the anxiety that had weighed her down for so long.

“If you were to die today, are you sure you would go to heaven?”

Since then, Cru has continued to be a powerful influence in Jaclyn’s life. It has provided her with mentors, resources, and the confidence to step out in her faith. She learned how to share her testimony, something that once felt uncomfortable, but now she sees as a way to plant seeds in others’ hearts. Jaclyn has grown in boldness, leading Bible studies and sharing her story with others, trusting that God will use her words, whether or not there is immediate visible change. Through Cru, she found the community she longed for, and it has helped her find the courage to live out her faith openly and impactfully.

Next Step

Using this testimony worksheet, write out your own story and ask God for an opportunity to share it.


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