In our lives, it can be easy to see only the superficial things going on around us. People around us may seem happy and fine going through life without Jesus. In reality, everyone is hurting and broken, desperate for a drink of water from the fountain of living water (see John 7:37-39). God puts us in relationships with others so we can help them come to know Jesus. How can we find more opportunities to share the gospel with others in our everyday lives? Here are three steps to help.
Make a "Top 5" List
Prayer often can be reserved for before meals and on Sundays at church. But prayer is so much more than that! God longs to be in a relationship with the lost people around you, and your prayer on their behalf is absolutely vital for them to begin a relationship with God. Take some time right now to make a note on your phone or your calendar listing the people around you who are not in a relationship with God, or who have drifted in their faith. Start with your “Top 5” people who you wish would encounter Jesus in a real way.
Example “Top 5”
- Jack Smith – a friend from school
- Adrian Rogers – cousin on mom’s side
- Julie Fredrickson – friend’s mom
- Jaylen Hodges – friend on your football team
- Drew Johnson – the guy you sit by in math
Pray for all 5 of them by name, daily, and wait for God to open up an opportunity to talk with them! If God brings a specific person to mind, do not dismiss that as your own mind playing tricks on you. Reach out to them to see how they are doing, and set up a time to meet up. You do not have to keep your list at just 5 people–some people have made a list of everyone in their class, or their whole dorm floor at college, or everyone in their family who does not know Jesus. The main thing is to lift real people up in prayer, and then listen.
Listen and Be Prepared to Act
People all around you are hurting, lonely, and desperate for connection. It is a difficult reality that depression, anxiety, and suicide rates are way up. You do not have to hang out with people for too long to see that real things are going on in people’s lives, and they have no idea what to do with their hurt and confusion.
Here is a quick reminder that in order to hear what is going on in others’ lives, you actually have to be around them, with headphones off, willing to talk! Simply showing care and empathy by listening to what is going on in your friends’ lives is an amazing way to open the door to the hope of Jesus.
As we talked about in How to Turn a Conversation to Christ, the gospel is the one antidote to a million ailments. Often, people will share something that is weighing on their hearts with you, and after you empathize with them, you can share how Jesus helped you with a similar situation in your own life. Check out this article for help on how to share your story. If someone shares a need that they have (food, a friend, a warm coat, help on an assignment, a good counselor), step in and help them find what they need. This is a huge way we can help people on their faith journey.
In order to hear what is going on in others’ lives, you actually have to be around them, with headphones off, willing to talk!
Ask Great Questions
Jesus shared the good news in a lot of ways, but one of the main ways he did it was by asking great questions! One thing that almost all humans share is they love to talk about themselves. Another thing most people share is that people rarely ask them questions beyond “What’s up?” or “How are you?” People really want to be listened to without being judged, but likely those around you have never experienced this from a Christian.
We have an amazing chance to help change this sad reality. Get curious about the image bearers of God around you. Become students of them. Ask God to open up your eyes to how interesting the people around you are, and then once you notice things, ask questions! If someone has mentioned something hard that is going on, ask them about it the next time you see them.
Here are some questions to easily start a spiritual conversation:
- “Do you consider yourself a truth seeker?”
- “Have you ever gone to church?”
- “What is your spiritual (or church) background?”
- “Have your views on faith and religion changed since you started high school?”
- “On what is your philosophy of life-based?”
- “What are you living for? What do you value most?”
- “Do you think Jesus is relevant to your life?”
- “Have you ever read the Bible?”
Check out 99 More Questions here!
Asking the right questions is more art than science. If there is someone in your life who seems to have a knack for asking great questions, spend time with them and pick their brain about it! Cru also has some amazing tools to help you ask the right questions and get to your heart level with people.
Stay Motivated
In the last days, Jesus says that wickedness will increase, and “the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:12-14 NIV). We have a difficult task ahead of us, but we can take hope in the promise of Jesus–that before the end, the gospel will go forth to all nations. Let us work together to hasten the return of Jesus!