Mentoring Students


Generational Impact

“Dr. Ken, can I talk to you for a minute? I know that you are a Christian….” It was the first week of classes for the spring semester, and a student I will call Alice stopped me after class. She had struggled in a previous math class of mine, and I knew her slightly. I […]

Student Evaluations Spotlight Spiritual Growth

Becoming a disciple of Jesus turned my thinking upside down in many ways, including the image of myself as a professor at a medium-sized, regional state university. The pre-pandemic Faculty Commons discussion group on the book “A Grander Story” resulted in a shift from seeing myself as a professor who happens to be a Christian […]

Ye Shall Know the Truth

Is it possible to connect with students and be a light while teaching on Zoom?   Yes—surprisingly—it is! As an assistant professor of Instruction at the University of Texas at Austin, I begin my classes each semester by talking about my three passions:  theology, my family, and physiology. I relate theology to the motto engraved on […]

Connecting Spiritually with Students

At the start of each semester, I ask my students to write a short biography about what means most to them. They each have a fascinating story; it’s just a matter of whether they tell it. Students are near graduation when they take my class, so they often express excitement, trepidation, and occasionally serious doubts […]

Soft-Spoken, But Still Heard

An inquisitive student in the vestibule just outside my large lecture room asked me a question before class that caught me off guard. He said, “On the ‘Meet the Prof’ website that you have linked on the course syllabus, I read your entry entitled The Wisdom of God or Man?  I wonder why you, as […]

Sharing Who You Really Are

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” – 1 Peter 3:15 As the first day of class approaches, I always think about how to introduce myself to my students effectively. I have taken several approaches over the years, and the […]

Discipling Alumni

Jesus has all authority and he has commissioned us to engage in the disciple-making process. The commission given in Matthew 28 is straightforward, “…Go and make disciples…”. As a faculty member for over 35 years, it is clear that Christian faculty are in a unique position to make disciples globally without ever leaving our university. […]

Viewing Students Through the Eyes of Jesus

Recently, while thinking through the account of Jesus’ encounter with the rich young ruler, the phrase, “And Jesus, looking at him, loved him…” (Mark 10:21a, ESV) kept running through my mind. Each August, with the quickly approaching academic year, I begin to “feel the nerves” of another fresh group of students entering our program—joining those […]

Don’t Overthink It, Just Make the Move

Sadly, I have not been very open about my faith in my academic setting. Even though I want to, by the time I think about people’s reactions and what they would think of me, the zeal to say anything is gone. This began to change when I joined a Faculty Commons book discussion of “SENT” […]

Don’t Overthink It, Just Make the Move

Sadly, I have not been very open about my faith in my academic setting. Even though I want to, by the time I think about people’s reactions and what they would think of me, the zeal to say anything is gone. This began to change when I joined a Faculty Commons book discussion of “SENT” […]