Cultivating Community


Pay Attention, Pray, Ask Questions, and See Where It Takes You

My campus used to publish a newsletter primarily oriented toward faculty and staff to build a professional community on campus. Each issue would usually contain a Campus Profile, which was a written Q&A of the faculty member being profiled, as a way to help others get to know the person behind the name. One of […]

Road Trip: There and Back Again

Over the years, I’ve received several invitations to attend our west coast “A Common Call” Christian faculty conference, but for a lot of reasons, I hadn’t made it a priority. I had been part of a G-3 – a “group of three” faculty peer discipleship group – for several years. Our Cal Poly G-3’s meet […]

The Case of the Concealed Christian

It was a dark and stormy night. My gumshoes beat out a regular rhythm on the wet pavement, taking me towards a safe haven to the tune of lunch and a Bible study. I pulled my trench coat tighter around me, shrugging back into its roomy shell. My mind whirled faster than a tumbleweed in […]

The Beauty of Agenda-Free Relationships

As I reflect back to when the COVID-19 crisis started, it saddens me to realize that the crisis did NOT have a profound impact on my relationships. Yes, it impacted the group gatherings I enjoyed. I felt intensely the loss of meetings with my church, my small group, the faculty luncheons, and my classroom. But […]

Why We Need Community

When I was in my late twenties, I thought it would be a good idea to leave a vibrant community of fellow Christians that was built over a period of eight years, and move to Gainesville, Florida to attend graduate school. Career-wise, it was a good decision. However, the first year I was extremely lonely […]

Why We Need Community

When I was in my late twenties, I thought it would be a good idea to leave a vibrant community of fellow Christians that was built over a period of eight years, and move to Gainesville, Florida to attend graduate school. Career-wise, it was a good decision. However, the first year I was extremely lonely […]

His Wife Cried When I Introduced Myself

To understand why his wife cried, it might help to know what I have been doing the past couple of years. I retired five years ago from Oklahoma State University after 38 years in academia. The Faculty Commons staff couple that built the vibrant Christian faculty-staff ministry at OSU over a period of 30 years […]

Our Work Ethic

On a recent Friday I found myself unable to finish all my weekly tasks by the end of the workday. That evening, after my wife and kids were in bed, I stayed up to revise papers, answer questions, and schedule meetings for the coming week. I finished at around 2 AM by sending half a […]

Practicing Hospitality

When I started teaching at a major research university 10 years ago, I pondered how I might serve the Lord on my campus. As a lecturer, I have teaching assistants who serve as graders, and many of them are international graduate students. Often international students are not invited into American homes during their time in […]

It All Starts with Hospitality

(In this age of unbelief, Matt Chandler argues that “it all starts with hospitality.” In a recent training session with his church, he suggests four quick ways to show hospitality. The genius of his approach lies in its simplicity.–FCMM Editors) The God of the universe is serious about hospitality. Hospitality can create an entry point […]