For several years, God has burdened my heart to use my platform as a professor to share the love of Christ with the academic community of Latin America. I am so blessed and thankful for the wonderful opportunity God provided to be part of the Faculty Commons outreach to Quito, Ecuador in the summers of 2023 and 2024.
The goal of these mission trips has been to open doors for the Cru staff in Ecuador by speaking in classrooms at leading universities about our research in the United States.
Providing a Service
By providing this service to the universities, proffered through the Ecuadorean Cru staff, it allowed the Cru staff to establish solid relationships with universities and more opportunities to minister on campus. But speaking about our research also led to opportunities to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I had the privilege of talking about how God has blessed my research program at the University of Georgia where we perform research that enhances animal health and reproduction. This positively impacts the animal industry and has given significant help to veterinarians worldwide. Based on Christ’s principles, I have the mission of serving people involved in this process to make a better society,
Solving Conflicts with Prayer
I spoke about challenges in academia, and I emphasized that every difficult time is an opportunity to grow and be strengthened from within. I highlighted that for me during difficult times, praying for God’s advice and wisdom has been my main key for solving conflicts, and I encouraged faculty and students in Quito to do so as well.
This talk always opened windows during Q&A for questions about my faith, so I do not hesitate to talk about my relationship with Jesus as the main strength that drives my decision-making process.
God Rescued, Forgave, and Redeemed
During our informal conversations with students in Quito, I shared how God rescued, forgave, and redeemed me, then put me on a firm foundation through a close relationship with Jesus, and shows me his righteousness and purpose for my personal and professional life through the Holy Spirit.
During our last trip, we had the marvelous opportunity to talk to more than 2,500 students on four different campuses. While the focus of our talks was academic in nature, we all had a chance to point to our relationship with God as the main inspiration for our lives.
Team Effort
I felt so blessed to be part of this team that included University of Georgia economics professor David Mustard and Faculty Commons staff member Buz Amason, where I played different roles as a speaker and interpreter.
I am grateful for Faculty Commons at UGA because this organization represents a solid platform for me to accomplish my life’s purpose, which is to show others (especially in Spanish-speaking countries) what God has done in my life as I desire others to feel the same peace and joy I have.