God Moves Quickly at Times

“Lord, how do I fit into Your plan with Faculty Commons at this campus? How might You use me now as well as when I retire?”

This was my question as I was doing an impromptu prayer walk on August 21, 2021. It was a week before our fall semester was to begin. My term courses were not yet available on our learning management system, so I decided to take a walk around the campus and pray for the upcoming term.

I prayed that I would have an impact for Christ among students and my colleagues and thanked God for the privilege of praying, teaching, and having opportunities to be His salt and light on campus. I felt especially led to pray for various colleagues, what it might look like to start a faculty ministry, and how I might fit into God’s plan for our campuses.

A little back story…

During the previous three or four years, I had been asking God for His direction and exploring options for ministry when I eventually retire from teaching full-time. I had been a faculty advisor for Cru at this campus for about 15 years, and yet, I sensed that a younger faculty or staff member at the college would be better for the students. I enjoyed working with the students but was feeling a stronger desire to either work with faculty and staff or possibly a ministry geared towards athletes and coaches.

God moves quickly at times…

The next day after my prayer walk, I received a phone call from Kent, a Cru staff member. He and his wife have focused their ministry toward students on our campus for a few years. Kent and I usually would meet before the semester began to discuss and plan for the upcoming activities for the first weeks of the term, as well as our weekly Cru meetings for students.

I was expecting that the purpose of his call was to coordinate our efforts again.

However, he was excited to tell me that he and his wife were transitioning to be on staff with Faculty Commons. He and I marveled at how I was praying to have a ministry geared more towards faculty just the previous day, and that through the summer, God was leading them to serve and equip faculty on campuses with Faculty Commons.

It really was a unique answer to prayer…not necessarily what I expected or how I expected the prayer might be answered, but still an answer.

God moves quickly at times…

Interestingly, just today, a younger faculty member joined our weekly meeting with the students and offered to help as another faculty advisor for our student ministry in Cru.

God moves quickly at times!

Psalm 150:6 comes to mind, “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD!”

Bob Zetocha

Communication Studies

Southeast Community College

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