

Unexamined Leadership

These are two excerpts from an Epic leadership training session, where Epic Field Ministry staff Brent & Leila Wong share about the dangers of an unexamined leadership. Part 1: Virtues, Confession, and Shame Discussion Questions: In what ways have you been taught that Christianity is about “being good?”  What are some virtues that might tempt […]

Ask At Least Two Questions

In this short article, Epic Leadership Development and Field Ministry team member Tom Virtue outlines a principle he’s learned over the years: “Always ask two questions.”  He explains why leaders are often afraid of new ideas, and what kind of spirit we need to adopt to respond differently.  My wife has a lot of wisdom […]

Incarnational Leadership

This resource was written by Jonathan Le, Texas Epic staff, and could be turned into a devotional or a small group discussion about how we as believers can live more incarnationally.  This document is an invitation to learn and discover with others how to be an incarnational leader, and not merely spoon-feed knowledge to others. […]

Five Majority Culture Postures Towards Ethnic Minority Ministry

In this article, Epic Leadership Development team member Brian Virtue (along with two colleagues from Destino and Impact Movements) writes about five “postures,” or heart attitudes, that majority culture individuals often assume towards ethnic minority ministry.  This resource provides clarity and wisdom on topics that are infrequently discussed, and will inspire you to reconsider your […]