

Courage to Enter

In this personal testimony, Epic staff TJ Poon (serving in Texas) shares about the effects of abuse, the environments that allow it to happen, and the courage required to voice our pain.  Inspired by events surrounding the 2011 Penn State scandal, this resource can help you to enter into others’ stories and struggles with honesty […]

Why My Home Culture and Faith Didn't Make Sense

This is a testimony from Clarence Chan, intern serving with Epic in New York City.  It’s his story about being an ABC (American Born Chinese) in New York and his struggles to discover his ethnic identity.  Clarence also explains his viewpoint on the difference between Hawaiian, West Coast and East Coast Asian Americans, and how […]

Seeking Approval and Satisfaction

Mei Ling Shiu, Epic Staff serving in NYC, vulnerably shares her identify formation story as a child with various physical traits which caused her to feel “lesser than.”  She shares her journey about being performance and approval driven.   Growing up, the things that were provided for me (in varying degrees) were finances, food, shelter, […]

Stepping Off The Treadmill

This is a personal testimony by Glennis Shih, Epic NYC staff, from February 2010.  She shares about stepping off the success “treadmill”, despite parental pressures, to discover the vocation she truly desired.     I grew up in a very success-driven family. My parents always stressed the importance of getting good grades, going to good schools and […]