

Six Postures Article: Sixth Posture = "Equal and Empowered Partnership" and Moving Forward

This fall, we have collaborated with Destino (Latino ministry), Nations (Native American ministry) and Impact (African American ministry) to write an article called, “Six Postures of Ethnic Minority Culture Towards Majority Culture.”  We hope it provides language and categories to further discussion about these significant topics.  We hope you take the time to read and […]

Six Postures Article: Fifth Posture = "Unity as Assimilation"

This fall, we have collaborated with Destino (Latino ministry), Nations (Native American ministry) and Impact (African American ministry) to write an article called, “Six Postures of Ethnic Minority Culture Towards Majority Culture.”  We hope it provides language and categories to further discussion about these significant topics.  We hope you take the time to read and […]

Six Postures Article: Fourth Posture = "Duty and Pleasing"

This fall, we have collaborated with Destino (Latino ministry), Nations (Native American ministry) and Impact (African American ministry) to write an article called, “Six Postures of Ethnic Minority Culture Towards Majority Culture.”  We hope it provides language and categories to further discussion about these significant topics.  We hope you take the time to read and […]

Six Postures Article: Third Posture = "Silent and Resigned"

This fall, we have collaborated with Destino (Latino ministry), Nations (Native American ministry) and Impact (African American ministry) to write an article called, “Six Postures of Ethnic Minority Culture Towards Majority Culture.”  We hope it provides language and categories to further discussion about these significant topics.  We hope you take the time to read and […]

Six Postures Article: Second Posture = "Angry and Wounded"

This fall, we have collaborated with Destino (Latino ministry), Nations (Native American ministry) and Impact (African American ministry) to write an article called, “Six Postures of Ethnic Minority Culture Towards Majority Culture.”  We hope it provides language and categories to further discussion about these significant topics.  We hope you take the time to read and […]

Six Postures Article: First Posture = "Unaware"

This fall, we have collaborated with Destino (Latino ministry), Nations (Native American ministry) and Impact (African American ministry) to write an article called, “Six Postures of Ethnic Minority Culture Towards Majority Culture.”  We hope it provides language and categories to further discussion about these significant topics.  We hope you take the time to read and […]

Six Postures Article: Introduction and "Our Story"

In the summer of 2011, an article was released by three of our Caucasian colleagues who have wrestled with what it means to minister cross-culturally.  It was called “Five Majority Culture Postures Towards Ethnic Minority Ministry.”  My wife and I (Jennifer and Adrian Pei) have both been deeply transformed by our relationships with these friends, […]

Welcome to the new Epic Resource Website (beta)!

Welcome! Whether you’re a staff or student with Epic Movement, or a friend or visitor, we’re glad you stopped by.  As you can see, this website is a work in progress.  We are continuing to tweak things every week, as we figure out technology issues and work towards putting up the features that will be […]