Why You Should Fast

Dr. Bill Bright

Fasting is one of the Spirit’s tools for strengthening and transforming grace in our lives. This spiritual practice is a gift from God meant to grow us and draw us into a deepening relationship with Him. If you do not already know this power and the importance of fasting, here are some insights drawn from God’s Word and personal experience to get you started:

  • Fasting was an expected practice in both the Old and New Testament eras. For example, Moses fasted for at least two recorded 40-day periods. Jesus fasted 40 days and reminded His followers to fast. He said, “When you fast,” not, “If you fast” (Matthew 6:16).
  • Fasting and prayer can restore the loss of your “first love” for the Lord (Revelation 2:4) and result in a more intimate relationship with Christ.
  • Fasting is a biblical way to truly humble yourself in the sight of God (Ezra 8:21). King David said, “I ... humbled myself with fasting” (Psalm 35:13, New International Version).
  • Fasting enables the Holy Spirit to reveal your true spiritual condition, resulting in brokenness, repentance and a transformed life.
  • Through fasting, the Holy Spirit will imprint God’s Word deeper on your heart, and His truth will become more meaningful to you.
  • Fasting can transform your prayer life into a richer and more personal experience.
  • Fasting can result in a dynamic personal revival and make you a channel of life change to others.

If you fast, you will find yourself being humbled as I did. You will discover more time to pray and seek God’s face. And as He leads you to recognize and repent of unconfessed sin, you will experience God’s grace to grow and mature you.

Next: How to Fast Safely

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