Cru: Start Here!

Here’s a step-by-step guide to START a ministry at your local high school or middle school campus…

Planning and Conducting an Outreach

You and some friends of yours have this great idea. You think it would be cool if the whole school had the opportunity to receive Christ. Wow! As you start to work through your idea, you begin to wonder, “Is it really possible to reach all the students on the campus?…

Sharing Your Personal Testimony

A personal testimony is a prepared version of your coming to faith in Christ. It is designed to communicate – in a specific period of time (usually about 3 minutes) – what attracted a person to Christ…

Testimony Worksheet

What are specific changes and illustrations about the changes Christ has made in my life, actions, and attitudes?…

Working with Other Christians on Campus

The key to campus ministry is cooperation and networking with other Christians on campus and the community. Your ministry will never realize its full potential until you have successfully worked with other Christians and have pulled together in the effort of winning souls for Christ…

Adult Informational Meeting

Have this meeting in a place where people will feel comfortable. Once you start, welcome everyone and introduce yourself. Let them know briefly how you came to faith in Christ and why you want to reach out to students at your school…

Involving Adults in Ministry

If you are a student, do yourself a favor and get an adult to take on this responsibility! In most cases, they will enjoy it and have more success…

Mobilizing Students to Pray

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV)