Czech Republic
“The Heart of Europe”

The Czech Republic is one of the most beautiful, yet one of the most atheistic countries in the world. It is a land of 10.5 million people, but one of the least-reached places around the globe with less than 0.5% of born-again believers. They turn to themselves and to trusted friends for life's meanings and usually haven't given God much thought. Most high school students would consider themselves atheists but are open to talking about what it means to know and follow Jesus. You could be the first persona to talk to these students about God and challenge them to consider the truth of the gospel.

In Prague, you would be a part of the college STINT team with a focus on the high school campuses. You will spend time in the schools, develop relationships with students, and have opportunities through classes, outreaches, sports, and English camps to share the gospel. Come and be a part of reaching students who need to hear the truth!

Applications are open November 1st - March 1st