Embracing a new chapter in God's story





Reflections on Community and Mission

Community is essential to the Christian walk —we were never meant to be on this journey alone. Community is our inward facing posture to grow, learn, and live in the context of other Christ followers. Click here to read the full reflection from Chad & Bekah's talk. You will also find a list of resources from the Stewarts about how to grow in cultural competency and racial unity.

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Join Rasool Berry in the Holy Land

Israel is a small country in physical size, but its spiritual importance reverberates throughout the entire world. People from three major religions—Judaism, Islam, and Christianity—both live and visit here which makes it an ideal location for Rasool to ask, "Who do you think Jesus is?"


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How to Find a Good Church

You may be looking for a good church for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you are a new believer in Jesus Christ—praise God! Maybe you are moving or have moved to a new area. Perhaps your current church differs from your understanding of biblical principles or patterns. This article will help you navigate finding a good church.

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How to Make Finding a Mentor Less Awkward

Asking someone to be your mentor can be intimidating. This article, from Christianity Today, will help you change your paradigm on mentorship and equip you to find mentors in unexpected places.


10 Tips for Finding the Mentor You Need

This article, by Margaret Feinberg, will give you practical tips about how to find a mentor as you journey into adulthood.

Chad & Bekah Stewart

Community & Mission

Chad and Bekah have been helping 20-Somethings navigate life, faith and their work for over a decade. Chad works with Cru Embark in Denver, Cru’s ministry to post grad 20-Somethings in cities. Bekah is the Pastor of Spiritual Formation at Denver Community Church. They are also LifePlan guides, facilitating a 2-day process to help clients uncover their vocational calling. Bekah has a masters degree from Denver Seminary in Christian Formation and Soul Care. Chad has an MBA from Bakke Graduate University. They have two kids and reside in the Virginia Village neighborhood in Denver.

THURSDAY, JUNE 18th will be our final session — There will be a panel of recent grads
Don't miss this interactive closing session at 9 p.m. Eastern