
Women's Health Summer Mission (Unto)

Our Unto Women’s Health Summer Mission team has just reached its capacity, and we are no longer accepting any more applicants. Thank you so much for your interest in our program. Please email Kelly at kelly.white@unto.com if you’d like to get more involved in what our Women’s Health team is doing throughout the year.

Women around the world face many physical, social, and spiritual challenges. In some cases, women are told little about their health, even to the point of becoming pregnant and giving birth without doctors sharing what is happening to their bodies. Some women are uneducated; perhaps because their families won’t allow it, or lack of feminine hygiene products meant they missed a week of school every month and eventually had to drop out. And some women are silenced, oppressed; prevented from sharing their thoughts and coerced into believing someone else’s. Even with all of this going against them, we still believe that women are the key to a healthier society, as the ones who often raise a family and nurture a community. We seek to follow Jesus’ examples throughout Scripture, as he sees women and treats them with the dignity ascribed to them as ones created in the image of God.

You can help bring physical and spiritual healing to marginalized women by joining the Unto Women’s Health Summer Mission trip. In partnership with local staff and their partners, you will participate in leading health education workshops that provide life saving information, while building relationships that lead to Gospel conversations. When you participate in this trip, you help to share the kindness of Jesus in incredibly tough places by relieving suffering, restoring dignity, and revealing hope.

The Unto Women’s Health Summer Mission trip is open to female students with health related majors who have completed approximately two semesters with clinical rotation. Female students of other majors may be considered providing they have a medical/science background with some clinical knowledge and experience. Please still reach out if you’re interested but don’t quite meet this criteria yet…we’d love to talk more and see if this would be a good fit for you! We seek ten participants who demonstrate interest in maternal and child health, women’s rights, and women’s ministry. If you have questions about your qualifications, please contact us.

To apply, please complete and submit the Summer Missions application. Two references are required: one from a spiritual leader in your life (unrelated to you and does not have to be a Cru staff member) and one from a health professor/clinical supervisor.

Please note that your support goal covers your international flight, but the cost of your travel to the team departure airport will be your responsibility. If you raise extra support, you are able to submit a form to be reimbursed for some or all of your personal payment for this expense. The application deadline is Monday, April 3rd, 2023.
However, please submit your application and references ASAP as our small team will fill up well before that date, and we will be unable to accept any more students once the team is full

General Info

  • Location: Tanzania
  • Dates: May 22, 2023 – June 10, 2023 (TBD)
  • Ministry Focus: For Healthcare Students (medical, nursing, dental, allied health, pre-pro)
  • Cost: $4500 (TBD)
  • Length: 3 weeks
  • Can a student get a job? No
  • Website: Unto
Want to learn more about the trip, email us!