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General Trip Info
Trip ID: 908
Location: San Diego, CA, United States
Global Region: North America
Sending Ministry Division: College Ministry of Cru
Open To New Applicants: Yes
Start Date: May 18, 2025
End Date: May 25, 2025
Length: 1 weeks
Cost: $1,050.00
Can a student get a job?: No
Cru Internship?: No
Major Or Career: Any

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SoCal Launch Summer Mission: Semester Students

SoCal Launch is a one week summer mission to give you the tools you’ll need to live your whole summer on mission. You may be entering the summer with pre-existing commitments (required internships, family obligations or required summer school classes) that prevent you from attending a traditional 8-12 week summer project. But you still want to make sure you live out your summer producing fruit for the kingdom of God.Sound about right? If so, SoCal Summer Launch exists for you.

The schedule will include time in Christ-centered community, learning new ways to connect with God, trainings to fine-tune your evangelistic skills, and spending time practicing those evangelism skills in different contexts (on the beach, on campus, online). We hope you come away from this mission experiencing God’s love in new and deeper ways. As well as leave with more boldness and skills to make an influence and talk about Jesus well at your summer job, in the classroom this summer or next fall, and in your close relationships with family and friends.

The Summer Mission takes place in San Diego, CA. We’ll live together in housing that is close to the beach. You’ll spend a week with like-minded students who will encourage you, pray for you and hold you accountable as you seek to have a fruitful ministry for the rest of your summer. We’d love to have you join us!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions!

Involved Cru Teams

Cohorts 20-23 People & Culture Team , University of California – Berkeley Team