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Czech Republic: Prague Summer Mission

Prague, the Paris of the east…Beautiful gothic architecture, cobbled stone streets, the Charles bridge and a castle on a hill, these are a few of the things you will see in this well-preserved capitol city of the Czech Republic while on a Cru summer mission team. 

Called the Heart of Europe, the Czech Republic is vastly post-Christian and secular in heart and soul.  Perceiving Christianity as merely an institutional religion with a difficult and confusing history, the Czechs have become disillusioned by the institution of the church and have embraced atheism as their worldview. In fact, the people of the Czech Republic have proclaimed their country as one of Europe’s most atheistic. 

So where do the Czech people find meaning and purpose in life? They turn to themselves and to trusted friends to find this meaning and purpose. In this openness to finding trusted friends gives opportunity, in the context of genuine friendship, to bring about a curiosity as the Czech students engage with new friends who not only believe in a God, but know Jesus in a very real and personal way. 

Cru will be sending our sixth summer mission team to the Czech Republic as we believe God to continue the effort to “re-launch” the university and high school campus ministry in Prague. Currently, we have 2 International Campus Staff in Prague working with high school and college students. It is our desire to labor alongside of these staff to see students reached with the message of the gospel. There are about 100,000 university students in the city and many of them speak English as their second, third or even fourth language. Our summer mission team will seek to engage university and high school students with the reality that God does indeed exist and that He has revealed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ, as we seek to connect with the students and engage in authentic conversation and friendship.

Would you consider joining with us this summer as we trust the God of the universe to bring the hope of Christ back to students in the “Heart of Europe”?

General Info

  • Location: Prague, Czech Republic
  • Dates: May 12, 2023 – June 23, 2023
  • Ministry Focus: College Campus/Launching spiritual movements
  • Cost: $5800
  • Length: 6 weeks
  • Can a student get a job? No
Want to learn more about the trip, email us!