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General Trip Info
Trip ID: 1538
Location: Madrid, Spain
Global Region: Europe
Sending Ministry Division: College Ministry of Cru
Open To New Applicants: No
Start Date: May 12, 2024
End Date: June 18, 2024
Length: 5 weeks
Cost: $5,700.00
Can a student get a job?: No
Cru Internship?: No
Major Or Career: Any

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Madrid, Spain Summer Mission



The Madrid, Spain Summer Mission serves alongside local staff and students to help find and connect with new students through sharing your faith, English clubs, and developing relationships.

The local Cru campus ministry in Madrid is called Cristianos Universitarios and has students involved from multiple universities. Spanish university students are overwhelmingly secular, meaning that while many believe in God and even have some Christian connections, religion and personal faith are not of utmost importance to them. Most still have no real understanding of who Jesus is or what he did and in most cases, don’t even know one other person who truly follows Jesus. With that said there is growing hunger for meaning, spiritual truth, and Jesus on the university campus.

The summer mission gives local staff and students a burst of energy by generating new contacts and opportunities. A big felt need in Madrid is to learn and improve in English. You will have the opportunity to start English clubs and language exchanges where you can serve students, share your faith, and help connect new students to the existing campus movements. You will also get chances to meet students on campus by using evangelistic tools.  Come be a part of what God is doing in Madrid!

Involved Cru Teams

Appalachian State University Team, University of Alabama – Birmingham Team, University of Alabama – Huntsville Team, University of Southern Mississippi Team