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General Trip Info
Trip ID: 359
Location: Central Asia
Global Region: Middle East, Central Asia
Sending Ministry Division: College Ministry of Cru
Open To New Applicants: No
Start Date: May 11, 2024
End Date: June 10, 2024
Length: 4 weeks
Cost: $4,200.00
Can a student get a job?: No
Cru Internship?: No
Major Or Career: Any

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Central Asia Summer Mission: ID 359



Central Asia, while grounded in its historical Silk Road roots, is quickly modernizing and looking more like the western world you know every day…so it is filled with both the familiar and the new. You may spend your morning drinking tea in a Central Asian cafe as you hear the Islamic call to prayer ring out over the city. That night you may find yourself enjoying a delicious rice and lamb dish in the home of one of your new Central Asian friends. In a single day, perhaps even over a single meal, you can experience strangers becoming friends.

Central Asia is home to a mix of ethnic groups with most indigenous peoples having a long Islamic tradition, yet their connection with Communist rule has left them widely ignorant to the real roots and customs of Islam. They are hungry for answers and direction! Students will flock to you to practice their conversational English and learn about America and the outside world. You will grow in flexibility, faith, and the simplicity of sharing Christ with those who have never heard. Join us to help reach Central Asian students for Christ and show them how a restored relationship with God is possible!

Involved Cru Teams

Blue Ridge Team