We have lots of opportunities for you to get involved with Cru! Whether you are looking for authentic community, service and leadership opportunities or training in how to share your faith we should have something for you. Below are a few ways for you to get involved. 


Community groups are the best way to connect with others that will encourage you to connect with God. Check one out!  Information can be found under the Connect tab. Text a leader and get plugged in!

There are men's and women's community groups that meet at different times throughout the week.


The weekly meeting is at Redeemer Church on 19th on Wednesday night at 8:00 pm. Our meetings consist of time to worship together, study the Bible together, connect with each other in a meaningful community, and once a month share a meal together. Come and join us!


Come join us for Fall Retreat this September and men's and women's retreats this spring! Also, there are a lot of ways to serve and grown in your faith over Spring Break! Join us for one or all of these incredible times! You'll will have the opportunity to hear from great speakers, be challenged in your faith, and make friends that you will have for a lifetime.


We hope all our students will get involved with a local church where they can grow and serve. Check out our list of recommended churches.