Imagine you are eye to eye with an Arab college student. Steam is still wafting off of cups as you wait for the glasses to cool. You ask, “have you ever met a Christian before?” and they respond, “No, you are the first one.” Your heart pounds with excitement as you begin to share the best news ever told. This could be your daily life on our summer mission.
How will you meet these students? You’ll connect on campus, at cafés, or even just riding public transit. You’ll quickly learn how open and hospitable these people are. As they welcome you into their lives, you’ll give them the opportunity to respond to Christ’s call. Your trip may spark a spiritual journey that brings these men and women to saving faith! Eternity will be different because you came.
It’s a summer about the breadth and depth of the gospel – for you and your new friends! You will be reaching one of the darkest countries in the world, where less than 1% of the population knows Jesus. It’s very likely that if you don’t come, these people will live their whole lives and never hear.
In addition, you will grow in ways you’ve never imagined as you rely on the Lord through prayer and steps of faith. You’ll receive training in cross-cultural ministry that you can take with you for the rest of your life. You’ll get to learn how to navigate a big city and even speak a little bit of Arabic! Our team will also have regular times of prayer and Bible study and will do some sightseeing.
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