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General Trip Info
Trip ID: 1911
Location: Middle East
Global Region: Middle East
Sending Ministry Division: College Ministry of Cru
Open To New Applicants: Yes
Start Date: May 26, 2025
End Date: June 16, 2025
Length: 3 weeks
Cost: $5,150.00
Can a student get a job?: No
Cru Internship?: No
Major Or Career: Any

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Levant, Middle East Summer Mission: ID 1911

Our team will be going to a country in the Arab world with a rich history of Christiany but with a current population that’s less than 1% evangelical Christian. This is a country deeply entrenched in Islam and has a great need for the Gospel. During this mission, you will get the chance to build friendships and share the Gospel with Arab college students. Each day you will have the opportunity to get out in the community and build relationships with those who need the love of Christ. This a very hospitable culture that puts a high value on building friendships and learning more about the world. Many students are very friendly and love to meet with Americans. You will grow in your ability to clearly explain the Gospel, build cross-cultural friendships, develop your language skills. There will also be plenty of time for you to grow in your own walk with the Lord through daily quiet times, group prayer, weekly bible studies, and one on one discipleship. On the weekends you can expect to enjoy exploring our city! By the end of the trip, you will have new life long friends and unique stories from around the world. Please pray and consider coming will us! Your life will never be the same.

Involved Cru Teams

University of Maryland Team, University of Virginia Team