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General Trip Info
Trip ID: 2140
Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Global Region: East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia
Sending Ministry Division: College Ministry of Cru, Jesus Film Project
Open To New Applicants: Yes
Start Date: June 14, 2025
End Date: July 26, 2025
Length: 6 weeks
Cost: $6,000.00
Can a student get a job?: No
Cru Internship?: No
Major Or Career: Film, Broadcasting, Journalism, Media

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Thailand Summer Mission: Film Academy

Are you a Film student who wants to use the media you create to draw people to the Gospel? This summer mission is for you. In the summer of 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand you will help Thai filmmakers create gospel-centered media for Thai people. Thailand is a country where less than 1 % of the population is Christian. The media you create will help point Thai people to Jesus.

You’ll also have the opportunity to experience the uniqueness of Thailand: night markets, flavorful food, Thai language, warm weather, nature… everything will be authentic!

As an American film student, you have unique skills. This trip will broaden your perspective on the need for media in international missions, and equip you to effectively share the gospel in your sphere of influence. You’ll receive training and experience in all aspects of film production as well as in using media to share your faith as you experience the effectiveness of Christ-centered media. You may also be able to receive internship credit from your university, depending on your Film program. Join us in Thailand this summer and experience first hand creating media to point people to Jesus.

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