Cru Trinidad & Tobago

Journeying Together

How Your Personality Connects You With God

Is it possible that we don’t experience God like everyone else because God didn’t intend us to? The truth is that God has hardwired each of us to experience Him in our own unique ways.

Prayer, Care, Share

Start building relationships with people in your life and share the gospel with them. Check out this useful strategy!

A Goodie Goodie Hypocrite

My focus was on acquiring an education, marriage, children, job, house etc. But then, what? Maybe friends and entertainment would suffice. As such, I lived and spoke like the world, yet almost every Sunday I was in church.

Growing your faith

10 Basic Steps to Christian Maturity

What does it take to grow in your walk with God?

Bible Studies

Find resources for personal or group Bible study.

Discover God's Character E-Devotionals

Have you ever wondered what God is like? Your view of God and His character might be more important than you ever knew. Everything about your life is influenced by your perception of who He is.

Bill Bright

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